Pro Bono Medical Reform aims not just to revive but to supercharge the traditional American pro bono medical system for treating the poor and uninsured. Just as some tax deductions are designed to encourage charitable giving, fair value tax deductions for pro bono health care can determine that doctors and heath care providers will find it makes financial sense to treat ALL the poor and uninsured that need care. Such a system would be a simple, human, common sense, private alternative to unsustainable, bureaucratic schemes such as Medicare, Medicaid and public health insurance.
In the early 20th Centurty, America had a pro bono medical system that worked. Doctors would regularly treat patients who could not pay. It was part of the medical ethic. That system, however, was destroyed by Medicare, subsidized insurance and malpractice litigation. That loss coincides with the rise of our current health care woes: millions of the poor and uninsured jamming emergency rooms; medical costs out of control on both personal and federal levels and everything in between.
Reviving the traditional American pro bono system can reverse those problems. And fortunately, it is possible. Increasing the supply of free, pro bono care for those who cannot pay is essentially a supply side problem, amenable to supply side solutions. If you want more of something, tax it less. So if you want doctors and other health care providers to supply care to those who cannot pay, then simply reduce their taxes (to zero if necessary) for doing so.
For more information about this proposal, see Super Pro Bono Now! Free Health Care, Tax-Free
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